Sometimes I think it would be all too easy to just tell everyone
that we pack away our sleds for a few months and gracefully prance our way into
our off-season training. We could really emphasize our nonchalant attitude by
explaining that it’s no biggie that we can’t actually practice the sport of
Skeleton in it’s entirety until the snow falls again, and hammer the point home
by making some joke that includes a variation of “After all, how much training does one really need to take a
high speed nap?!”
that we pack away our sleds for a few months and gracefully prance our way into
our off-season training. We could really emphasize our nonchalant attitude by
explaining that it’s no biggie that we can’t actually practice the sport of
Skeleton in it’s entirety until the snow falls again, and hammer the point home
by making some joke that includes a variation of “After all, how much training does one really need to take a
high speed nap?!”
Of course, pushing to compete with the best “high speed naps” in
the world actually requires countless
hours, months and years of behind the scenes work – HARD work! With the focus
on turning our bodies into well-oiled, technically sound machines; machines
capable of running FAST in one of the most unnatural positions, machines that
won’t break when fatigue sets in; machines that won’t quit when we ask them to
go again, and again, and then again.
Oh, and add in that elusive “Olympic Year” phrase – and some days this
off-season can feel so big it could have it’s very own postal code.
the world actually requires countless
hours, months and years of behind the scenes work – HARD work! With the focus
on turning our bodies into well-oiled, technically sound machines; machines
capable of running FAST in one of the most unnatural positions, machines that
won’t break when fatigue sets in; machines that won’t quit when we ask them to
go again, and again, and then again.
Oh, and add in that elusive “Olympic Year” phrase – and some days this
off-season can feel so big it could have it’s very own postal code.
There exist shadows of doubt, residing in the darkest corners of
our minds. Some people are better at keeping these reservations at bay than
others, but somehow that tiny voice saying “What if?” finds it’s way into our
ear. I am certain every single human being could share a memory that includes a
moment of self-doubt – the key element however, is what he or she chose to DO in that moment that will ultimately bring
the success stories to the foreground.
our minds. Some people are better at keeping these reservations at bay than
others, but somehow that tiny voice saying “What if?” finds it’s way into our
ear. I am certain every single human being could share a memory that includes a
moment of self-doubt – the key element however, is what he or she chose to DO in that moment that will ultimately bring
the success stories to the foreground.
I recently read two athlete-blogs that spoke directly to this concept, and proved how innately we all connected along our individual paths:
Tips for Dealing with Injuries and Sh*t by Cross Country Skier, Alanna Thomas
So far, this summer has had us hammer through almost three months of
training and the daily rollercoaster has caused thrills and the occasional whiplash. My body, mind and soul
are all transforming in ways I could have only imagined just a few short years
ago. I’m asking more of myself and the people around me than I ever have, and I
truly believe and trust in every decision I’ve made and continue to make.
training and the daily rollercoaster has caused thrills and the occasional whiplash. My body, mind and soul
are all transforming in ways I could have only imagined just a few short years
ago. I’m asking more of myself and the people around me than I ever have, and I
truly believe and trust in every decision I’ve made and continue to make.
Thankfully, I also have one hell of a group of friends, family,
and loved ones who continue to help keep my thoughts out of the dark and refuse to ever let me feel as though this journey will weigh me down. After all, by keeping it light, the heavy can always be
and loved ones who continue to help keep my thoughts out of the dark and refuse to ever let me feel as though this journey will weigh me down. After all, by keeping it light, the heavy can always be
Coco Chanel is quoted to have once said, “A girl should be two
things: who and what she wants.” I certainly do not limit this saying to
females only either – because it’s a powerful state of mind that, if truly adopted,
has the ability to change a person’s life in dramatic ways.
things: who and what she wants.” I certainly do not limit this saying to
females only either – because it’s a powerful state of mind that, if truly adopted,
has the ability to change a person’s life in dramatic ways.
Remember, even from the darkness of a storm – electricity can surge
through the sky. Without question or concern the bolts and flashes of lightning
take over the scene … they act with sheer power and pure, uninhibited force.
through the sky. Without question or concern the bolts and flashes of lightning
take over the scene … they act with sheer power and pure, uninhibited force.
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us
becomes better, too.” –Paulo Coelho
becomes better, too.” –Paulo Coelho
No envy. No fear.