time that occasionally tricks my mind to feel as short as overnight, everything
has changed. What’s incredible about this transformation, is that it brings
with it a stability unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
Until now, I don’t know if I ever really allowed myself to
entirely believe I had the strength to challenge at this level of athletics. Perhaps, it was years of off-handed comments, nay-sayers and an
underlying doubt. Or maybe I just hadn’t quite tuned into the true
strength of my perfectionist personality. This however, isn’t to say I wasn’t
raised to believe in myself with everything I have, but when the road keeps
leading into a brick wall, climbing over it time and time again can begin to
wear a gal down.
and mortar had endlessly stood. The handle turned with ease and the lock put
up no fight.
the threshold of that door. Fearful to get too far from the wall … but thanks
to an incredible rookie season, what can only be described as a steadfast,
amazing and supportive team, a family that is second to none and a cell phone
filled with an endless list of lifelines … it’s time to break the mould.

*ahem * … haha … my heart jumped into my throat as I re-read that last sentence…
forget to look back – in awe of what we have already accomplished. We get caught
up in how many steps and decisions we will have to make to get where, what, or whom we claim to be after … when just acknowledging and loving the true beauty of
the road along the way – is often even more
to do – but all those moments behind me continue to propel me ahead. Undoubtedly,
the upcoming months of this journey promise to be some of the most memorable
through the silence.
The intense back and forth of Highway 99 – winding its way through the British
Columbian mountainside helped shake a few internal brain dust bunnies. Until this spring, I had never seen that area without a layer of snow, freezing
everything into a moment in time.
In a way, it was like seeing it again for the first time. A solo 1000 km drive
I made to bring some post-season relaxation, gave me more time to
think, than I’ve allowed myself to have in a long while. Cell phone out of service, and my music cranked; the
baseline shook the review mirror – I gave way to the uncomfortable “silence”
and while my head floated in and out of the clouds, my gravity was quietly being
Adding to
this much-needed downtime, I made a trip home to Manitoba. Mom and Dad had been
so patient with me: intermittent phone calls from overseas and 5 months apart …
the reunion hugs lasted longer than ever. And although the visit was a whirlwind, it was an important
re-connect. Touching base with my hometown, my friends and an extended family
that continues to cheer me on from afar – all helped remind me just how
incredible this life is – especially when you are able to make time to
share it with the ones you love.
Not given.
more I become aware of the fact that athletes are often viewed as having the
utmost of confidence. It’s seemingly perceived that from daybreak to sunset we
strut through our lives simply floating from achievement to achievement. And while I would love to sit here and
exude the purest and strongest level of self-assuredness, the reality is – we
work at it – every single day.
More commonly, our confidence is tragic: constantly questioning our
decisions, our tinniest abilities and ourselves. But the beauty of an athlete
is how we build upon everything, every step of the way. Just like with any path
to accomplishment – we learn, we adapt, we adjust, we plan, we execute.
Series (OES), held in Vancouver, B.C. May 10-13, filled with elite Canadian
Winter athletes, coaching and support staff – all driven with a passion that is
only matched by their drive – I had never felt more at home.
There aren’t enough words to do justice to those three incredible days spent in
conference and meeting rooms. I
spoke and listened to a ton of inspirational individuals in a very short time period, and while it wasn’t that the words I heard were new, it was that the important messages were explained in exciting
and real ways.
that weekend with wildfire coursing through my veins! My head was filled with even more crucial
information for this journey, and my life was filled with strengthened connections
with both new and current people; many of whom I am able to speak with daily.
Thankfully, these people will very likely be in my world for the rest of my
life and bonds like those only form under some of the most intense conditions.
After all, only pressure makes diamonds.
Competitive. Honest.
training, the sweet sting of delayed onset muscle soreness, that look in your
teammates eye when the coach yells, “One more round”, and the unbelievable
feeling of your body being re-transformed into a well-tuned machine.
The treadmill, the stairs, burpees, precision lifting and partner towing – all
just as I remember … well, actually, the intensity of our programming has been
ramped up, but it fits the bill, and our team is attacking each training
session with everything we have.
get to be among Canadian Skeletors who are prepared to not only find their own perceived limits and break through them, but to help motivate each other to do the same. The trust, the confidence and the true
allegiance we have forged rivals that of a family. This year, without a doubt, promises
to be filled with speed, strength and a united resolve to push all the way to the edge – and then – dive in headfirst.
Don’t look back. We’re not going that way.