The brittle, crisp mornings and much longer nights – have you felt it in the air?
From the downtown hustle through the upland hills – that unmistakeable chill is everywhere.
As many of my athlete colleagues have written in recent days, summer is officially over. And whether you’re someone who accepts this reality by the date on a calendar or not – the truth lingers … Winter. Is. Coming.
I’m presently welcoming a wardrobe change that includes toques, mittens, and spandex onesies – this is also my signal that we are beginning another sliding season and with it – my passion.
The thing about passion though, is that it can be tricky; as easily as it points to something it often points to nothing.
Upon taking a moment to look back on an off-season jam-packed with endless hours spent thinking, designing, questioning, training, and rearranging I’m amazed and reassured. Ultimately everything is meticulously planned in order to spend a few seconds lost in one moment.
No time to think.
Just react.
Beautiful irony, n’est pas?!
Sliding has that power for me; I’ve spoke of it before. It transforms my world of intense inner-dialogue; of constant banter, concerns and pressure into one single thought: drive.
These last few weeks that have slyly slipped from weekends, to hours, to mere days remaining before we step onto the ice were admittedly some of the hardest and the best.
One minute I found myself celebrating the union of love with friends, the next I was struggling to find a balance between a future in my grasp and the importance of focusing here and now. I’d be in the gym throwing up solid Personal Bests; then I’d be rocking out in the rain with some of Canada’s gems: The Tragically Hip, and just as quickly, I was flying home to sneak in one final pre-season recharge
in the familiar prairies of Manitoba.
Did this summer go exactly as planned? No.
It went better.
Because everything starts with a vision: the smallest detail to the
largest accent.
But it’s those of us who accept that from there you have to step outside and put the pieces together – take risks, get uncomfortable, drastically and painfully uncomfortable – find the almost-edge and live there – it is these people who will see their vision in more than just their mind.
“Everyone has a breaking point, turning point, stress point, the game is permeated with it. The fans don’t see it because we make it look so efficient. But internally, for a [person] to be successful, you have to be like a clock spring, wound but not loose at the same time.” -Dave Winfield
One important realization that transformed in me this summer was that there often comes a moment when you look around waiting for the person in charge to help you … and then you realize YOU are that person in charge.
So take control; make the decisions that will matter and always trust you’re doing exactly enough.
The rise and the fall. It’s a motion I inherently adore.
So with ice in my veins, I will dive into the frozen river of speed.
After all, If you ain’t in over your head how do you know how tall you are? -T.S. Elliott
Back on the ice: October 1
Selection Races: Oct 19 and 27